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Sub passing through??

Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:39 pm


You can see on this picture I am sending some drillers to catch up a fleeing Sentry (it will catch up thanks to admiral bonuses)

But some time later my sub actually passed THROUGH his Sentry, and I swear the starting point and destination were the same:

How is that sorcery even possible?
I could actually see that happening in advance with the time machine but just told myself it must be an error in the previsions.
Besides, I could actually see this Sentry fleeing the outpost right before I take it on the time machine, how is that possible? If its owner had issued such an order I should have not been able to preview it

Re: Sub passing through??

Tue Nov 24, 2015 5:12 pm

1. How in the world did he find 4 sentries?
2. Did you send a bug report to the devs? That shouldn't happen.

Re: Sub passing through??

Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:12 pm

I did not, how do I do that? Moving this thread into the bug report section?
And he doesn't have four sentries, the ones you see around belong to Brown, he is Gray. I think he just needs a hypnotist or get a gift to have more than 3 anyway.

Re: Sub passing through??

Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:45 pm

Please send an email to and link to this thread.

Re: Sub passing through??

Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:51 pm

I have now sent this email long ago (without reply but whatever). Today I resurrect this thread because once again my sub is gonna pass through an enemy sub, except this time it's from the front oh and also believe it or not but my gold medal depends on it. Here I go:


There are two enemy subs with speed factor 2 very close to each other approaching my mine. The sub a little ahead contains two specialists and zero drillers, and YET when I click on my monodriller sub, it puts a red cross on the big enemy sub BEHIND the sub with zero driller I want to fight. In other words the battle report says my sub will fight the enemy sub behind the one closest to me. Has anyone an explanation?

Re: Sub passing through??

Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:14 pm

The way I see it, your 1 driller sub should capture the sub containing the assassin and admiral and send them to ADRIA. Then the sub will continue on and fight against the 129 sub. Is this what happens?

Can you capture a video so we can see it in action?

I do recommend sending an email to the admins though. Even though they may not have responded they will certainly have looked at it. But the video will let us see it exactly and determine what happened if it wasn't a bug.

Re: Sub passing through??

Thu Dec 17, 2015 5:17 pm

roadkiehl wrote:1. How in the world did he find 4 sentries?

Relevant much, roadkiehl? :lol:

Re: Sub passing through??

Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:08 pm

The yellow dot on the assassin admiral sub means that it won't reach its destination. Things should play out the way Champinoman said.

Re: Sub passing through??

Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:20 pm

Well to be honest a lot of complicated stuff is happening in this game, among which probably a fair amount of bugs and the time machine is also giving me inconsistencies...

This sub with zero driller and zero specialist on a full red line (meaning it departed) is just an example: Image

We'll see once it's all over

Re: Sub passing through??

Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:26 am

In the first one (the original post), your enemy has a diplomat. As soon as you capture it, it is re-captured by the diplomat. I don't know if that's still the case.
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