When does cooperation become inappropriate collusion?

Questions about rules, how things work, etc.

  • I'd like to offer my perspective, based on the also very interactive and social board games - which I also enjoy immensely.
    If you sit around a table in a competitive board game and one of the players donates in a fairly one-sided way to another well... sorry man, but you're skewing / ruining the game. Ergo multi-boxing.

    and here I'll mostly highlight what others have said previously here :
    - Subterfuge plays on much longer timescales, so your "multiboxing" (heavy inverted commas, please note) can be countered more effectively (increased reaction time, more alliances, etc.)
    - because of the previous point, you may also have an endgame where you still finish on top, instead of just committing to donating to the other fellow. You may communicate to that effect wisely to get others on board

    And more importantly... I wouldn't play board games with a rude stranger like you described. So in a way he does get what he deserves 8-)
    It is a matter of perception. I'd probably target you right away in a game if you did that, but trust me the rude dude would get axed next.

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  • Good points, benzedreene.

    Interestingly, the "rude" player in this game is going to actually end up winning. He did a very good job countering and frankly, we did a pretty terrible job of executing the moves in question.

    Also, I hope I haven't overstated things by calling him "rude". I'm not sure that my perception was held universally by everyone else in the game. His interactions with me were demanding, but I suppose the course of the game has shown he had the ability to back it up. :)
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  • So as the other person in this equation the first words to me is "I hope you get banned cheater"

    I was like what the heck.

    Then accused of mulitiboxing(to be frank never even occurred to me)

    Not one single person in the game even asked it, just assumed.

    Now as to the game itself. Taking a step back and looking at it from others points of view (again not even thinking about multiboxing) I can see where it probably did seem supremely odd.

    This game is (without looking ) my fourth game so I honestly didn't see the harm(and if allied why wouldn't I take a shield down for my ally if taking my outpost for an advantage?).

    That being said I do apologize for any misconceptions in the game and crossing some unspoken line of gifting etc
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  • My team of 3 have over 26 matches under belt.95% of the time we all grabing medals plenty of shiny golden chests and silver loots.

    Over the time we implemented bunch of fundamental rules depends on situation & we execute them "auto-insta" without too much BS talk.

    We doing all that base shares, high tec shares, drilee shares, multi-scam, multi-rape & multi-gank.Oh ow and we enjoying it a lot serious delight of senses.

    We going 10 player domination matches so none can quickly build up mines and close the game without our permission.

    We are the rulers & the ultimate Gods with decisive power.

    We Ave' Cezar and the right to own every single player, outpost or spec on the map.

    We at the ultimate landlords of the precious waterworld & we are not closing the game until everyone who joined our game is humiliated before eliminated.

    But hey guys we no so bad as its sounds we also share a big deal of loyalty, respect & honor but ufortunatelty for others only between each other.

    Oh and now we expanded our team by one ruthless player he is a pirate same as we so he is a spot on.

    We now joined a game and we got very closely situated borders.Imagine the number 5 on playing cube.That poor guy in the middle got rekt (gang-raped) in 36 hours.

    It is what it is but this is how we gain golden chests & believe me we like gold a lot.

    OK bye :)
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  • That's just cheating. It takes no skill or effort simply victory of numbers, and it's extremely aggrivating. I try and destroy players like that. People that lowly can leave subterfuge for all I care.
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  • aclonicy wrote:That's just cheating. It takes no skill or effort simply victory of numbers, and it's extremely aggrivating. I try and destroy players like that. People that lowly can leave subterfuge for all I care.

    That isn't the way the game is meant to be played, there's no proof of skill.
    But it's unfortunately a part of the game and the truly skilled players just have to deal with it. I think there's a line that can be crossed, and fox's example (whether it's true or not) is definitely past that line.
    Just my two cents, I mean no disrespect but it is completely unfair and doesn't show any talent or ability in the game.
    I'm glad to hear different perspectives, and again mean no disrespect
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  • Oh I tried to play fair believe me but they gang-raped me or waited out until I get into war so they can take cheap bases from behind.Classic scam of trust so now we gang-raping them back.Its actualt very fair & it takes a lots of skills especially logistics & organization.
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  • fox-alpha-one wrote:Oh I tried to play fair believe me but they gang-raped me or waited out until I get into war so they can take cheap bases from behind.Classic scam of trust so now we gang-raping them back.Its actualt very fair & it takes a lots of skills especially logistics & organization.

    Ok, so that isn't the impression I get from your original post. The reason I said that it isn't fair is because you said you and your "team" have played 26 matches together doing this gangbanging. This means that it is you and your irl friends. I doubt that you played against the same 3 guys every time. And when you say you are the "rulers and the ultimate Gods with decisive power" it clearly gives the impression that you're doing this on purpose.
    When Aclonicy and I say this takes no skill, it's because it doesn't. When you gang up with three guys in a lobby, there is no chance a group of strangers can take you down. You guys could be the worst players on the planet but teaming together doesn't let anyone have a chance against you. A truly skilled player doesn't need to team with half a lobby in order to win, they can use their own cunning, strategy, and diplomacy to succeed.
    Like I said before, if you can succeed without unfairly setting up a team beforehand, and play a game the way it was actually intended to be played, then by all means I have nothing against you. Otherwise in my humble opinion your game style is completely unjustified and unfair. No disrespect, but cheating is cheating.
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  • Hi Juan
    Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds...
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  • Why do you guys even reply to fox-alpha-one ? He and his friends play domination mode, that's not Subterfuge.

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