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Changing E-Mail

Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:51 am

Hello folks,

i want to change my mail, but if i try to it says: "your password is incorrect". But this doesn't make any sense at all, because i can login with this password?! I already mailed the devs, but no response (more than a week ago).

Anyone got the same problem or a solution to this problem?!

Thanks in advance! everRed

Re: Changing E-Mail

Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:28 am

Hi everred, welcome to the forums. Sadly I can't help you there, but I suggest you double-check your password and make sure you're spelling it right. Also, the devs aren't really around anymore, so it's not very likely you'll get a reply. Good luck getting this fixed, Sheep.

Re: Changing E-Mail

Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:42 am

Hey thanks for your reply... that sucks :/ just spend money for l2...

I`m 100% sure the password is correct. logged out and in several times ;)

Maybe a Forum mod can help?

Re: Changing E-Mail

Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:15 am

everred wrote:Hey thanks for your reply... that sucks :/ just spend money for l2...

I`m 100% sure the password is correct. logged out and in several times ;)

just make another account and click Buy L2. the transaction should be automatic if you already paid. Wierd system, I know.

Re: Changing E-Mail

Sat Jan 28, 2017 12:14 pm

If you are on the same device that originally purchased L2, whenever you are logged into a L1 account you can upgrade it for free by clicking "restore purchases."

In case you are curious, I also tried to change my email, but not once have I ever gotten it to work. I think it might just be broken.

Re: Changing E-Mail

Sun Jan 29, 2017 7:29 am

everred wrote:Maybe a Forum mod can help?

I really can't.. the email is managed through the game and subterfuge server, with the forums being an afterthought in that respect. I only have power here, warning users, deleting topics etc. I can only recommend what everyone else has so far.

Re: Changing E-Mail

Mon Jan 30, 2017 5:29 am

I can second this issue. When I started subterfuge I used my trash email just in case I didnt end up playing or they sent too many emails or whatever. Now I can't see if people invite me to games.

Re: Changing E-Mail

Mon Jan 30, 2017 9:54 am

Just delete your account and remake it

Re: Changing E-Mail

Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:33 am

whos sayin wrote:Just delete your account and remake it

He has L2.

Re: Changing E-Mail

Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:15 am

chattnooga wrote:I can second this issue. When I started subterfuge I used my trash email just in case I didnt end up playing or they sent too many emails or whatever. Now I can't see if people invite me to games.

Yeah exactly my issue..

Thanks for all your suggestions. Ill try to change L2 to another account if this is the only option. Sad to hear cause i like my name :D

Ill let you know if it worked.
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