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Elder vs assasin

Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:55 pm

if I send a sub of 200 drillers to an outpost and and an assasin is present at the outpost, what happens and why?
if I send a sub with a pirate and a reverb elder to attack a sub with 100 drillers and an assassin what hapens and why?
if i send a sub of 200 drillers and a reverb elder, can it be hijack with a sub having a pirate and an assassin? why

Re: Elder vs assasin

Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:35 am

The effect of the assasin wil be ignored in all cases if you have a eldern at your attacked/defended sub/outpost
Last edited by tijmen on Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Elder vs assasin

Sun Jul 23, 2017 5:21 am

Combat resolution is very strict; to make it simple : local specialist effects, global specialists effects, shields, drillers. Only then do you know who wins.
Your scenarios are incomplete, you need to know what drillers are present on both sides. I'll still answer them as best possible, assuming no other specialists (General, King, Thief) are involved.

mauritius wrote:if I send a sub of 200 drillers to an outpost and and an assasin is present at the outpost, what happens and why?

The Assassin does nothing, he is not part of the driller fight.
- if the outpost has more than 200 in drillers+shields : you lose
- if the outpost has less : you win
mauritius wrote:if I send a sub with a pirate and a reverb elder to attack a sub with 100 drillers and an assassin what hapens and why?

The Assassin gets negated by the Elder.
- if you have less than 100 drillers on board : you lose and your specialists get captured
- if you have more : you win and you capture the assassin
mauritius wrote:if i send a sub of 200 drillers and a reverb elder, can it be hijack with a sub having a pirate and an assassin?

The Assassin gets negated by the Elder, but the Pirate can still target it.
- if the sub has more than 200 drillers : you lose and your specialist gets captured
- if the sub has less : you win and you capture the assassin and pirate.
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