Sending a sub through unseen waters.

Questions about rules, how things work, etc.
Fri Oct 23, 2015 8:47 am

  • I have a very far spread map right now and because of that, it's faster to send a sub through a small area outside of my sight through to the other side, would my sub be able to make it? I know none of my opponents and allies have pirates as well. Thank you.
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  • There be monsters in the deep.
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  • Just kidding, no that's fine you can do that. If you are targeted by a pirate or something while out of view, I honestly don't know what happens. I'll find out.
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  • To be honest, I'd prefer if there were monsters. An added non human variable everyone would have to watch out for, and another way to use deceit to make people avoid attacking or have a sub go missing. Krakens, giant squids and the lochness monster, doubt they'd be there but hey it's an idea. Thank you.
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  • OK, so should travel through just fine. If you are targeted by a Pirate you'll see it on the map. If you are attacking into the dark it will all happen but you won't have the results until it's all over, and even then only the details if you win.
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  • Can you see your sub while in unseen waters? And what about subs that might be attacking it? For example, I'm considering right now whether its safe to send a navigator + martyr to destroy one of my opponents mines. Would I know if a pirate was attacking it? And will the pirate keep its original path if I change direction? or will the pirate change its path so that it is still going to intercept my sub?
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  • You cannot see anything in dark spots. Meaning you cannot redirect it through it.
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  • That answers sending, but what about seeing? I'm in the same match and I see a large sub that's heading for one of my mines, but I see it out side of my radar range right at its base, thank fully because I can intercept it that way but how can I? Just a glitch? Another player informed me and than I saw it.
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  • You can always see enemy subs that are heading towards one of your outposts even if they are outside of your sonar. Gives you time to mount a defence.
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  • I'm still curious as to if a navigator is targeted by a pirate what happens when the navigator changes its path? Does the pirate re-position itself to intercept the new path? If yes, what if I change the course so that my sub arrives at an outpost, will the pirate turn around? Attack the outpost?
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