Just shooting the breeze
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My perspective

Tue May 31, 2016 6:40 am

I wanted to give my thoughts on subterfuge since so many seem to be dropping out. I'll say up top I'm certainly not leaving or quitting playing.

For me, subterfuge hasn't been stressful, in fact, it's helped me escape stress. Whenever life got cluttered, I could think of subterfuge and go into another world. I didn't have to worry about what happened to me, because now I was the ruler of and underwater empire who desperately needed to escape or be destroyed.

Sure subterfuge involves stress but the stress was different from other stress. It was exciting; it was nerve wracking; it was fun. I would wonder about if my enemy had launched that counterattack when i was asleep. I would hope my allies I worked so hard to gain didn't leave me. I would sit in school just hoping, somehow, I would manage to get victory. While I was worrying about subterfuge my other worries would dwindle; and, just for a moment, I would have peace.

I would come back after worrying all day and if it worked, I was elated at what happened. If it didn't, I'd work even harder to make sure it went well next time. I could spend hours scheming and trying EVERY possible combination to see what would work. I would spend hours more making sure my allies trusted me and I had a good relationship with all the players around me. It was a whole new world of exploration and finding out what could happen.

There was all kind of specialist tricks, synergies, and counters to try. Each one was fun, whether it was simply a king stack, or pirate shenanigans. I wanted to see what specialists I could put together, so I studied their behaviors and how to best use them.

Did it get tiring now and then, sure it did. But I always found myself coming back to see what new thing I could find in the world of subterfuge.

I'm L1, I don't get a lot of games, but for me, each one counts. You give me the names of the players in ANY of my games, and I can tell you all about that game. My friends, my enemies, any good plays, how it came out in the end. Each game became something new to see what I could discover.

Even after I was decently experienced there were still new things to discover and each game seemed different. Basically, it was just exciting to see if I could outthink, outplay, and get lucky enough to beat my opponents.

I'm really sorry that too many games are burning out so many players. the forums were always an amazing extension of the subterfuge world were I could meet new friends and set up exciting new games. It's sad to see them dwindle so much.

It I exciting when I'm starting a random game and a forumer will join it because they see my name in the game. I never expect it but it happens relatively often. I can't just jump into games like that, but it's a nice surprise to see if anyone shows up that I know.

However, you feel about subterfuge, I hope you can appreciate how great the game really is. In fact, I think stress or busyness drives more people away than boredom. Whatever you do I wish you good luck in your travels and hope to see you in game soon.

For those leaving, I'm sorry to see you go. I wish you could what I see in the game. Good luck with life and I hope you'll pop in every now and then to see what's going on.

I hope the forums still stay active. I remember when I used to come home from school and I could spend 30 minutes reading all of the forum posts. That just never happens anymore. They are much more silent.

I wish this game would last forever. Although I know that is a vain hope, I will enjoy the game to its fullest while it lasts. I'm gonna stay here so long as there is a forums. If this game stayed around forever I would play it until the day I died.

Re: My perspective

Tue May 31, 2016 8:58 pm

As a fellow L1, I completely agree with your perspective :D
In fact, if probably has something to do with being L1
Oh and also not owning a phone which is capable of playing Subterfuge (How do I play? I borrow other people's phones a lot hahaha :lol: )

Re: My perspective

Tue May 31, 2016 9:07 pm

That was a fantastic closing statement Aclo, I will most likely return to Subtefuge in a month or two, if people are still around ;)

Re: My perspective

Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:08 am

I will be around as long as others are around
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