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[STORY TIME] Lucy's Woeful Life

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:36 pm
by nautiusmaximus
Alright so as many of you know there is an exciting Subterfugian past time called Story Time. Upon discussing some details with some forum regulars, we have determined to give Story Time a shot on the forum to try and gauge interest and perhaps entice more of this behavior in our regular games. The rules of story time are fairly simple, but for the sake of the forum I will relate them here.

1. In the forum version, there will be a maximum of 2-3 storytellers per story.
2. The story will be told through the storyteller using the input of the listeners.
3. I and any forum regular reserve the right to modify the rules to story time as needed until a forum system can be perfected.

Now for those of you that have participated in prior story times, feel free to translate the story to the forum using the bracket story time followed by the name of your novel.
This format should allow for the completion of many unfinished stories. Lucy's woeful life is the brainchild of mm1menace, athenos, and myself. So for the sake of this first shot at the story the plan is to let any one of the three of us to continue the story in the absence of the others.

Stay tuned for the recap of the story thus far, and to the beginning of the forum story time.

Re: [STORY TIME] Lucy's Woeful Life

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:48 pm
by zyxe
So someone started the story and each person justs adds on to it? This sounds fun, and I look forward to reading it.

Could we get a completely public story time started up? This would allow every person on the forum to add something instead of a few specific authors. I think it would be a fun game to have alongside The Person Below Me. Each person just adds another paragraph to the ever growing story.

Re: [STORY TIME] Lucy's Woeful Life

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 4:52 pm
by mathwhiz9
That's actually a really good idea. Just randomly hop on and add to it. And if we get stuck, we can always start up a new story

Re: [STORY TIME] Lucy's Woeful Life

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:28 pm
by nautiusmaximus
That's not a bad way to do it. Generally, someone writes a portion of story and leaves a blank for other people to comment. So you have up to three general story leaders if you will, directing the flow of the story but everyone in the community gets to add their input to the sections that are left blank. It may be easier to show instead of tell.

Re: [STORY TIME] Lucy's Woeful Life

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:30 pm
by nautiusmaximus
Also, it is my intention that we have several of these going at a time with different people "leading" different stories. Hence the [STORY TIME] (insert novel name here)

Re: [STORY TIME] Lucy's Woeful Life

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:34 pm
by mathwhiz9
nautiusmaximus wrote:Also, it is my intention that we have several of these going at a time with different people "leading" different stories. Hence the [STORY TIME] (insert novel name here)

In that case, you can be our first story teller. Fill us in, and let's get this show on the road :)

Re: [STORY TIME] Lucy's Woeful Life

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:35 pm
by nautiusmaximus
Once upon a time, a family lived at Boxlighter. They were very good at torture. The father, whose name was Lucifer, was the previous head executioner and tenured professor at Double Agent Academy. Lucy as he was affectionately known had a rocky relationship with the king. Lucifer had slept with the kings daughter (without Lucy's wife's knowledge) and now the kings daughter had an illegitimate heir.
One day, Lucy's wife (Penelope) found out who the father was and started a petition to kill this new baby. Now, that was a pretty bad idea, seeing as everybody loved this kid. When Lucy found this out, he seemingly had to choose between his wife or the princess. Lucy instead determined to kill his wife and the princess and steal the baby.
Unfortunately, his kids were trained at the DA academy, and they knew he was up to something. They decided that they would help their father complete his task and to kill both women and steal the baby. Lucifer had 5 children at the academy, all of which were males, named Jack, Jill, Lucifer 1, Lucifer 2, and Lucifer 3.
The five boys went to the king one day complaining of stomach pains. The king (who thought he could trust them) allowed them into his chamber, where they placed poisonous snakes and spiders in the kings bed. While the king didn't notice, the guards did. The guards caught Jill and L3 and took them to a dungeon in a really tall tower.
Now Jack, L2, and L1 are terrified, Penelope is mad, the princess is infuriated at lucy for treason, the babys crying, and the king still has no idea what's going on.
Lucifer pulls out his revolver and shoots the baby. The revolver goes off with a thunderous BANG! The baby is bleeding, but also smiling and not dying. Lucifer was also the god Zeus and his blood flowed through the baby making him a demi-god who was demi-immortal.
This is when it started settling in on Lucy/Zeus that he didn't need to steal the baby to have a claim to the throne, he could take it because it was his divine right. To quickly launch and end the coup, Lucy hurled a lightning bolt into the chest of the mortal who dared call himself king. The king fell back almost incinerated by the lightning strike! As he did, he coughed up a teal green cucumber. The princess and the rest of the royal court tried to flee, but as they were running away they glanced back at the castle and were instantly turned into pillars of salt.
Lucy/Zeus tore down the tall tower dungeon and realeased his captured children. The family then used the salt to create a new empire: Boxlighter! After installing himself as emperor he gave each child a position in his court. Jack the Hand, Jill the Jester. L1 the Smuggler, L2 the soothsayer, and L3 the keeper.
Jack coveted the jester position, thinking himself quite the comedian. L2, though, quietly seethed over his appointment.
L2 determined to make Jacks position into his own. L2 told the emperor that he saw a vision that Jack was going to murder the emperor and conspired with L3 to have him imprisoned. Lucy wasn't certain that L2 was correct in his naming of Jack as the conspirator to kill the emperor. The emperor thought that it was possible that it could have been one of the other children, but knew that it couldn't be L2 because he trusted him more than the rest of the children.
Lucifer was certain that the only way that he could eliminate the threat to his life was to kill all of the children except for L2. Lucy unleashes 4 lightning bolts, each of them misses their target and destroy's four faraway outpost's, giving birth to what has since been known as the "Martyr Movement". The kids aren't sure if they should run or laugh! Meanwhile the baby grows to the size of an adult male in a matter of minutes The baby began to laugh hideously at the ashes of the still burning cities and then because of his lack of control over his god like powers turned into a hippopotamus.
The man/baby/hippo was just beginning to mature mentally and blurted out "Lucy... I am...... your.... father.... mwahahahahahahahahha"
Just as this was happening a 5th lightning bolt that Lucy had thrown that everyone had lost track of came crashing back full circle and landed in the baby/man/hippo chest. Because Lucy was always one to never let a situation get the best of him determined to throw a feast for the whole country and for the main course to serve the baby/man/hippo.

Re: [STORY TIME] Lucy's Woeful Life

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:36 pm
by nautiusmaximus
Lucy invited the whole kingdom. Who was the special guest and what were they being honored for ()

Re: [STORY TIME] Lucy's Woeful Life

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 7:42 pm
by nojo34
I just want to say this. Props to Nautius for typing out the entire story. Good job max.

Re: [STORY TIME] Lucy's Woeful Life

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:18 pm
by blobbydude
WOW! You've got some great dedication to your writing Max, very nicely written.

Of course, he invited Baron Ausich to the banquet, because he needs a strong political ally because he destroyed several major cities, and the baron was enormously popular with the people. (Lucy is obviously quick thinking and politically motivated.) He honored Ausich for being the most valuable of all his Barons on the kingdom, something he made up on the spot.