King of the Mountain

Just shooting the breeze
Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 pm

    So for the first topic of the off-topic section we'll do a classic forum game King of the Mountain! We have to make a story up so you can get to the top of the mountain. Let's start us off with the beginning:

    Whilst I was travelling in my sub I stumbled across a gigantic mountain blocking my path. It looked too good that I wanted to conquer the land and be a king in it. So I forfeited the match I was in a went out to the fresh air and I set home. What could possibly go wrong...
    Last edited by micsup2000 on Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:44 pm

  • (RULES) You cannot post more than once so make sure you have all your description filled. You cannot edit your post as well. Other than that be creative with your posts and good luck being the King/Queen of the Mountain!
    Last edited by micsup2000 on Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:12 am

  • I noticed the stray player conquering a mountain. It looked so majestic and huge, I really wanted to seize it! With a maniacal laugh, I ordered my sentry to shoot at the player's recently-built home, destroyed it to pieces and ordered a sub so I can travel to the land and conquer it as my own.

    After that, I set home and lived happily while it lasted....
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Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:02 am

  • Noticing the destruction, I call my allies and hack the enemies' defences. Since I got hundreds of thousands of Neptunium I sold all of it which was about £10 million. I used most of it for security including bombs, death traps, sentries and highly trained robots which shoots lasers and bullets at the target. As well as that, I used the money on security cameras and lava! But of course to increase security, I ordered a 100 digit passcode (which btw I learned with my grandfather as being a spy 5 years ago so I have a lot of experience) on the first door, then a parkour room, a normal picture which you have to solve, and finally a strange person who sits in the middle of the room well guarded always awake and alarmed and is very, very intelligent so even if look exactly like me, he will question you, check background information. AND that's just the tip of the iceberg, he will make you do hard puzzles multitask you and even challenge you to the PIT OF DEATH! (Which BTW is a game that you need to push each other to a pit of death. And even if you win it there would automatically be a huge chunk of water for the man to be saved but not for you if you fall down...) Oh I nearly forgotten ALL of this is timed so you would be shot dead if you don't complete it in 5 whole minutes! Wow this is ALOT of description! Anyways the remaining half of my money goes to luxury, servants, security officers (like a hundred of them) and of course mines! Oh and for the last sentence, there's traps everywhere in the mountain oh and myqpalzm? He's now drowning to death i think... So yeah I'm the King of the Mountain!

    why did I not let him die in the lava, I'm so dumb...
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Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:13 am

  • Wow, that's fast. For a second I lived in the hill as a king. The next second, I drowned to death. It's a very sad way to end my life, really....

    But wait! Before I die, I saw a vision of the Neptunium God! Oh my! The Neptunium God offered me a second chance, and I immediately took it!

    And then, the Neptunium God swapped my place with micsups'. Now, all his ridiculous security and traps are against him! Muahahaha!

    ...Oh, and I conquered the hill once again.
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Wed Oct 28, 2015 7:11 am

  • Oh very dear, I think I'm in the middle of the ocean! I don't understand! As soon as I blinked my eye POP I'm drowning in the sea! Oh wait, duh, I have emergency gear at my backpack I could breathe happily ever after! And yes! Fresh air yet again! I'm getting sick of going into water now. (Just an expression, I'm used to the water you know...) Actually, wait, hold up, I'm not in the middle of the ocean... I'm in an island, with, familiar people OH MY! THESE ARE MY GUARDS AND SERVANTS! Even that guard who challenges that person who comes in the Mountain! Well, I haven't named you haven't I? No? Okay, i'll just name you uhh. Let me have a minute. Oh yes a perfect name! Your name would be... Bob! An amazing name! Such a fabulous and rare name, Bob. And what will the servants and other guards names be? Or should I just refer to them as one name? I'll take the second option. Servants! Guards! You will be referred to as... The Clouds! Okay enough naming let's get to that mountain! (Cause I'm so good at naming it's bad!) BTW guys how did you get here? Oh, yes, yes, so basically you guys are saying that our enemy got to the island like MAGIC and replaced you, and instead of killing you he sent you into a nearby island next to me? How kind of him! But how did he get to be King? And how did I get to a deep sea then here? Hopefully he didn't waste all my money. Oh he did? Wow, I wonder what he spent it on... Maybe magic spells and witchcraft? Impossible! Now what's are plan? Oh yes we have an empty sub there right? Good, and we know our way? Cool beans! Right lets go to OUR mountain!

    Ah yes finally! A whole days worth of travelling and I'm finally here! The Cloud, do you know if he changed the security stuff here? No? Hahaha wow I guess he's playing around with my robotic toilet, oh how I missed that! So, get through these security rooms as fast as 1 minute! And now...!
    Ok great it's night time, and we waited one whole hour to wait for him to sleep, he didn't even have and new guards, how can he even set up a clan in a factions server? Anyways, oh, no! He spent all the money on... BACON?! NOOOOOO! Well at least we will be King again! Now quickly put him in the lava chamber! Ahh job done! He is sure dead, and I mean it! Now, The Cloud, you too Bob, get in your defence positions, I'm the King of the Mountain!

    BTW, if you don't like reading I'm sorry that you have to put up with this!
    But now I can play with my futuristic, robotic toilet! Yeahhhh!
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Thu Oct 29, 2015 3:13 am

  • Didn't he know that I installed an escape route inside the lava chamber? Right, I escaped from there without him noticing a thing! I navigated through the tunnel and end up in a beach!

    With the Neptunium God at my side, I managed to make a neptunium-powered missiles. I launched it toward the hill, and BAM! Nothing stood in the hill. The Neptunium God summoned a blue fortress slash mansion with triple the size and power of micsup's security and defenses. I ruled the hill once more!
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Thu Oct 29, 2015 2:09 pm

  • *cough *cough Anyway, I'm not dead at least so how am I going to explain what's going to happen next WITHOUT a World Class peice of super long paragraphs? Hmm, let me see... Uh.... No, it's going to be impossible. But I could try I guess...
    Oh what's this The Clouds and Bob? Oh I see, a mansion, how 3rd class! BUT WAIT! What's this?! A person in the clouds watching us? I mean he's right there! Wait a minute! It's that person who help that enemy of ours! You know what? I'm fed up calling our enemy "enemy" I'll call him. Uhh, I'm between "The Larry", or the "Toilet Stealer" I'm mean look, I can even see him playing around with his robotic toilet, it's even much better than mine! Yeah instead, I'll call him "the worst, amazing toilet stealer in the world" or I could just call him Larry, Yeah.

    Oh sorry, yeah about short quantity and more quality... Yeah sorry Mr Ron ok back to the story now...

    Anyways, let's negotiate to the person on the cloud, "HEY, yeah you, YES YOU, I know you said I'm an enemy, but I come in peace. Yes peace, couldn't you make a second mountain with all the stuff I had before? Great! Great! So in a blink of an eye I will be in a new mountain is that correct? Magnificent!" Well bye for him, Anyways oh! Who am I you may ask? Well, I'm MicSup2000's clone! I was made yesterday when "Larry" conquered the hill again. How you ask? Let me explain...

    Mic had an old "clonifier" which he had the day before he left the CIA for an award for being a great spy! He only found it in his old closet once and now he brings it along around his quest for Neptunium just in case. Well, I was made when he put his "clonifier" in a secret bunker no-one can access but only him. Not even Bob can access is not The Clouds. (I hate him naming) It had super tough steel and...

    Actually, everything of this is CLASSIFIED, all of this is lies everything of "this secret bunker" will never be known but only Mic knows of it, the real Mic!
    Anyways back to my story now so I was made in the bunker, and we got on pretty well and... Oh yes thank you, thank you clone Mic now Anyways I'm in my new mountain now! No one knows where I am and guess what? I killed that guy in the cloud! He's pretty dumb like seriously! He didn't know what 9 + 10 was! He always kept saying 31 31! Anyways I have his corpse now so yeah! Proof of death! (Sounds weird but hey) So peace for me! Peace for Larry!

    Or is it! DUN DUN DUN!

    Ok guys! I tried shortening it and it not worked! Well that ended horribly. OK OK Mr Ron I'm sorry! I don't care if I get a Z- in my work but can you actually teach me please ok? Can you not always test me everyday? Thank you!
    (BTW ron (the administrator of the forums) I'm not offending you ok that was the first name I came up with so)
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Fri Oct 30, 2015 3:52 am

    So, it's only me and Larry playing this game right? But why is it that we have over 80 views in this game? I thank you people who is reading, but anyone can join and become a King or Queen! So please come! :D
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Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:30 pm

  • Whilst reading a book in my flagship submarine, in the distance I see a mountain, with the most peculiar contraptions built on it.
    I decide to investigate the matter further, and order my fleet to redirect its course towards the mountain.
    However, as I approach it, I can see dangerous armaments and traps littering the mountain wall, atop it a shining mountain of Neptunium!
    "For country" I exclaim as I order my men to devise a plan to capture the mountain and gain access to the Neptunium; I will surely be knighted for such a daring task!
    My submarines emerge from the water, and I direct the missiles to barrage the various traps and bunkers upon the mountain side.
    After half an hour of heavy fire, I pass the order to cease fire, and climbing upon my oar boat, paddle towards the island with my trusty crew.
    Navigating through the piles of rubble, and lava (lava? how did it get there?) I finally manage to reach the top! But instead of piles of Neptunium now lies a gigantic fortress!
    Using my sidearm to shoot down any sensors and cameras, we bring forward an explosive charge and breach the fortress gate!
    We were not prepared for scores of bodyguards to be on the other side, but thinking quickly, my first mate Wilson brought forth a dangerous weapon - sleeping gas! We released it inside the gates, and withdrew. Coming back an hour later, the guards were fast asleep.
    We snake our way past the sleeping guards and towards the treasury. Finally, the Neptunium we wanted is in sight!
    Carjacking their vehicles we load the Neptunium into our submarines. Our country's best Hypnotist was with us, and without a single casualty, we managed to convert all the guards on the fortress to our side!
    It appears that I am King of the Mountain!
    Reporting from the Bridge
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