Subterfuge Evolution

Strategy, feedback, or anything SUBTERFUGE-related
Sat Nov 26, 2016 12:27 am

  • Hey so as all of you can see , subterfuge might not increase in players but so many other things has changed .
    Like I saw a person who was #100 in leaderboard after 3-4 month is now #150 with exactly same rating .
    What has changed in subterfuge? And what will happen? We discuss in this topic :P

    Ps: another example , I think the game now lean more on diplomacy more than ever.
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Sat Nov 26, 2016 5:27 am

  • I feel like what makes subterfuge so good is its small playerbase. If this game was as popular as some top supercell games, it would be very different. It would have to replace the open games tab with a find game button. It would completely get rid of public games with friends and would most likely become pay to win with a bunch of small purchases instead of 1 big L2 purchase.
    All in all subterfuge is better off not growing much. If lots played, devs would come back and start updating solely to satisfy a bunch of potential customers that just think kings and tycoons are op, or just people who dont understand the idea and just want to make the game faster. You will also see a lot more people therefore making it so there is no game-to-game reputation and will make anonymous games pointless. This will in result cause the more experienced players like you guys to stop playing the game.
    sorry that this is kinra off topic. I was talking more aboit future evolutions of the game.
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Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:10 pm

  • Think of it like this. All of us are pointless wandering nomads walking around a huge desert (app store). Some of us stumble upon oases (good apps) and decide we want to live there. But the few very lucky of us stumble upon one that is very good with all kinds of stuff that we like (subterfuge). The current owners of this oasis (Ron & Noel) have spent lots of their time and money making this truly beautiful oasis, but not many people have discovered it so it doesn't pay off. But the owners want to make sure that the people who do find it, stay in it so they offer all of the features available for only 1 big but worth-it price (L2). Now imagine that all of a sudden a ridiculous amount of people discover this place. Now the owners figure that it is actually very profitable. They find that many of these people only like certain aspects of this oasis and so the owners decide that they would make people pay for every feature separately and not lose customers that only like some parts (such as people who only want to buy the multiple commands feature or only the ranked games feature). And before you know it, the oasis transformed from what the owners and first discoverers wanted to a bunch of crap that the stupid crowd wanted (pay to win)(pointless nerfs on specs that people just simply hate).

    I've seen this happen with other games and I can give examples if you need any.
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Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:33 pm

  • Who's sayin, great analogy.
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Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:56 pm

  • nojo34 wrote:Who's sayin, great analogy.

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Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:32 am

  • Nice desert analogy, eheh.
    However, the gaming scene has changed, and pay-to-win is not the reference business model anymore. So it's likely Subterfuge would NOT become one.
    Everything remains hypothetical, though, and our current oasis is indeed beautiful :)

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Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:17 pm

  • benzedreene wrote:Nice desert analogy, eheh.
    However, the gaming scene has changed, and pay-to-win is not the reference business model anymore. So it's likely Subterfuge would NOT become one.
    Everything remains hypothetical, though, and our current oasis is indeed beautiful :)

    Pay 2 win was a bit of a stretch but i think that having every feature being bought separately is very likely.
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