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Strategy, feedback, or anything SUBTERFUGE-related

  • Sheep, there is going to be an update. Ron and Noel have shown an interest in a balance update for FREE
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  • When was this? I thought it was community funded.

    I also had an idea to slightly nerf the king. I think the king should lose its local 20 shields. His outpost shields should not be affected by him. This would cause players to still keep him with their queen but make him unable to super power a tinkerer. Currently with a tinkerer, every King adds 60 to your cap which ruins any attempt to add a supply cap nerf to him. This would make the underused security Chief a bit more use because they will no longer get replaced by the king when it comes to tinkerer stacks.

    The infiltrator, thief, and war hero need a 1.5x speed boost although this might get the liutennent replaced. To fix this the liutennent should have a 5 driller buff to make it comparable to these specs that are just as fast.
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  • WHos sayin, from Ron's email a few agos he said a balance update was in the works, and he wanted my and the community's opinion. That is what spawned the balance threads.

    Whos sayin wrote:The infiltrator, thief, and war hero need a 1.5x speed boost although this might get the liutennent replaced. To fix this the liutennent should have a 5 driller buff to make it comparable to these specs that are just as fast.

    I am not a fan of this idea. Giving 4 specs the same abilities is boring and unnecessary. Giving the LT. a +5 drill buff is also not thought out as thats just the general to a less extent.
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  • Yes your right but thats the most balanced idea I could think of for those.
    What do you think about the king though. This would help nerf a small but essential aspect of the king.
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  • @whosayin
    No offense, but I don't really like the nerf idea for the king. It ignores the problem people have with the king, the fact that any king you hire after the first basically has no downside, in conjunction to the fact of how powerful he is. Sure, the nerf prevents certain pair ups with other specs, but still ignores the major problems.
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  • The king isn't that op. But one of the suggestions were to add a cap decrease. And most people really liked that and most people agreed to -20 as what the king should do. By making the king not give shields, I am preventing tinkerer stacks so therefore this is indirectly applying a -60 cap per king. All while keeping the shield loss.

    Zyxe said this wouldn't work because there is no downside to stacking but i think losing an upside is literally a downside. If the king directly decresed cap b y say 50, a tinkerer would completely negate that because with the kings local shield, each king would ake the tinkerer gife 60 more cap.

    One more problem with decreasing the cap for each king is that it literally forces you to get a tinkerer to make it up. The kings local shield causes tinkerers to also be overused since it pairs really nicely with the king. This would bring security chiefs more into the game as they will be the only spec to increase shields and they would pair up nicely with the tinkerer.
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  • I have an idea for a buff. Now, keep in mind I have zero idea how hard it would be to make this happen, and I don't know what the further effects would be.
    One specialist that has a very specific and minimal use is the intelligence officer. The IO increases the radius of all outpost's reach, in order to gain surveillance ability. But that's it. His main uses are for two things: sentries (which princesses do a better job with) and when you are worried about neighbours that nay be building forces just beyond your sight. That's all. Think to yourself: how often do you actually hire IOs? It has to be one of - if not the - least hired specs in the game. There are very specific situations one has to be in in order to choose it over another specialist.

    A way to change the use of the IO is to give it an alternate use. My idea is that if a sub is holding an IO, the sub has a sight range of x% of an outpost's range when travelling through the fog of war. I think at most 25%, probably less. Think about it, the intelligence officer's title is someone who gains intelligence, recon. So, his submarine should be able to report information back to the queen. Imagine a whole new stacking of specs: the IO could be sent alone through an unknown area, to possibly scout the location of an enemy's queen, or big forces. Combine it with a nav and it now becomes a search light (add enough drillers to this and it becomes a huge threat). Or send it alone, and behind it send a queen killer (pirate/nav/assassin or martyr).

    Of course, there is an easy way to counter this: the pirate. Another way to counter would be to move anything away from the radius of the sub (if possible). And if we had new specs coming in (like that jammer thing), it could have interesting interactions with those (the jammer, for example, could counter the intelligence radius of the sub totally if within range of the jammer's outpost).

    Tell me what you guys think about this addition to the IO's ability. I just think that while War Hero, Infiltrator, and others may need a buff, we can't forget about the least popular spec in the game just because its not popular. It'll create a whole new wave of game strategy, with a player that values the information that could change the flow of a game.

    TL;DR: sub with IO has a sight range a fraction of an outpost's range; buff the IO to make it actually a reasonable hire
    And another thing, please be respectful when critiquing my idea. A lot of you guys are totally cool, but some others can get rude and stuff, I would much prefer to keep everything clean and easy

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  • Think to yourself: how often do you actually hire IOs?

    Not to be rude or anything, but I kinda disagree here. I hire them fairly often, and they almost always seem to come up in my first hire set. iO are normally my first hire. But after that, yeah. Usage drops quite considerably. The searchlight idea would be pretty cool though
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  • mathwhiz9 wrote:Not to be rude or anything, but I kinda disagree here. I hire them fairly often, and they almost always seem to come up in my first hire set. iO are normally my first hire. But after that, yeah. Usage drops quite considerably.

    Ok, fair enough. I completely understand, and I get why they are used.

    mathwhiz9 wrote:
    The searchlight idea would be pretty cool though

    I'm glad you think so :D
    Any ideas on how to refine it or make it better? I kinda got stuck on the finer details, and I'm hoping this inspires some creativity somewhere to maybe even get this in the game :geek:
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