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Picking Up Drillers Via Waypoints

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:21 am
by forged
When a sub passes through a base and moves on to its next waypoint, it picks up all drillers. Is that optional? I know I can lock the specialists to not be picked up. What about drillers?

Re: Picking Up Drillers Via Waypoints

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:03 pm
by ron
different answer for specialists and drillers.

if you tap a specialist you will see a stay/go button in their info panel. by default, specialists GO with any sub that passes through or launches from their outpost. they also keep going with whatever sub they're on. if you tap the the stay/go button and set the specialist to STAY, the specialist will stay at its outpost when a sub passes through. if the specialist is aboard a sub and you set it to STAY, it will stay at the next outpost that the sub passes through.

for drillers there is no way to do this yet. one of the features we have planned is queueing up future orders. that means you can use the time dial to scrub forward into the future and then issue a command there in the same way you do normally. so you'll be able to go to the time when the sub arrives and then launch a new sub and load it up exactly how you want it.

Re: Picking Up Drillers Via Waypoints

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:24 am
by forged
Future commands sounds awesome. Good for queuing a mine's creation too.

Re: Picking Up Drillers Via Waypoints

PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:54 pm
by onewil
I was wondering about this too, as I often don't want to take *every* driller from a waypoint. Good to hear. To me, making the mechanics similar would be better. I actually just discovered waypoints, hadn't understood them at all my first few games.

Re: Picking Up Drillers Via Waypoints

PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:14 am
by ron
we just realized yesterday (thanks to al) that waypoints were not explained in the rulebook. OOPS! that's been addressed and will be part of the next build. setting waypoints can be super helpful.