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Experiment Series Rules and Regulation

Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:21 pm

Experiment Series Rules and Regulation

A "Subject" is a player participating in an Experiment Series game.
A "Trusted Subject" (TS) is a player who has played a previous Experiment game and proved themselves trustworthy to be on the reserve list for future games.
A "Failed Subject" (FS) is a player who has played a previous Experiment game and broken rules or is a general unpleasant person (not player), and depending on severity will either be blacklisted or given low priority when looking for reserves.
An "Experimenter" is a L2 player who hosts an Experiment Series game, as per regulation. That said, anyone else can make their own experimental games, but it is advised to give that a different name as to avoid confusion.

The rules for each Experiment vary.
The rules for an Experiment must be posted 24 hours before admission for the Experiment begins.
The rules must be explicit, and Experimenters should try to clarify any questions posted by potential Subjects.
Global rules of the Experiment Series are as follow: no breaking of the rules, no directed cursing, no racism, no racial slurs, no discrimination based on real-life characteristics (fake discrimination, like making fun of an imaginary country, is allowed as long as it is in good humor), and adherence to Experimenters when any of these rules are in question. Please respect each other, even when tensions are high.

All games with the title "Experiment Game XX: Experiment name" belong to the Experiment Series and must be titled as such, where X is the ID number given by me.
The same Experimenter may not be in two Experiments of the same type.
Any subsequent game of an Experiment Series game of the same Experiment must be titled as such: "Experiment Game XX-Y: Experiment name" where Y is the nth game.
The Experimenter's Committee will communicate via PM to determine who hosts which game, as directed by me.
Any questionable behavior by Experimenters or Subjects of any kind are to be immediately reported to me, or in overall game cases, the developers of Subterfuge.
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