Strategy, feedback, or anything SUBTERFUGE-related
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TW2000's Lore

Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:50 am

So, I just remembered I had an assignment about 9 months ago in which I had to create the first chapter of my own novel. Although I didn't mean for it to fit in with general subterfuge lore, it sorta does seem like it could be part of it, especially in the fact that the ending could be the world destroyed to smithereens with only an aquatic world left. But of course some of the parts aren't necessary and don't contribute to the lore, but remember that I had to write this as if I was a world-class writer (that's what my teacher told us to pretend to be) so I have to put things in that make it more personal and interesting to read. i will delete some irrelevant stuff later. But I think this will still be a good starting point. And please don't judge me on my writing in these forums, I generally type them out quite fast and don't go over them (I just check to make sure I'm making my point clearly enough). REading it through 9 months after I had written it, there are still bits in there I would definitely like to change, but I'll do that later I guess. If anyone wants to suggest what the next chapter should be about then post your ideas below :) . Otherwise any general feedback would be appreciated

(Before you say its too long, I do realise that. There were no word limits on the lore writing competition, and the summary of this could be featured instead of the whole thing. The whole 'novel' could be featured as a link in the game. OR maybe a new chapter could be 'unlocked' for reading every time someone finished a game 'without resigning or being eliminated'/'getting a medal'.

Well here goes:

THE HUMAN (that was what I called the novel at the time)

It all snapped together. Like it was some sort of puzzle, and now the answer was staring at me. I was momentarily paralysed at what I had just discovered. It couldn’t be the truth. Not now. Not when we were so close to destroying the Cevians. But I couldn’t deny it. Everything was pointing towards it.

Without a moment to lose I leaped off the couch, sprinted out of my room and headed straight down the corridor that led to our lab. I burst through the door. Thirty faces turn to look at me. I stand there, catching my breath and suddenly not really wanting to say anything.

“Have you found it?” David asks eagerly. Everyone knows what ‘it’ is.

“Yes” I say, staring at the floor, “They’re decoding our encryptions. It has to be right. It explains everything.” Everyone thinks about it for a moment, and as if from nowhere, a sudden wave of realization sweeps over the whole room. There is a murmur of agreement. “I suggest we reset it now,” I say, “There’s no time to waste.”

Our head of lab immediately opens the communications panel and passes this news on to the technology director. Some people have already started their role; others are still staring wide-eyed in shock. I walk over to my desk, which is at the near corner of the room. David sits next to me, and although we are good friends, he’s always causing some sort of trouble; never enough to get him killed, but pretty close.

In our labs, all the desks are around the outside, and all the practical lab work is done in the middle. There are about 50 people in each lab, and each lab is usually assigned different tasks when the technology director feels something needs working on. The lights on the ceiling illuminate the whole lab as if it was day, apart from the walls being grey. Everyone has a grey lab coat, but there are no two coats which are the same shade of grey. Surprisingly, you eventually learn to tell who someone is just by looking at the colour of their lab coat. It always seems to remind me of 50 Shades of Grey. The strangest thing about our lab, however, is the circular room and the way the middle of the room is much lower than the sides. It looks a bit like the type of futuristic lab you would see in movies, but there aren’t any touch-sensitive, mind-reading, holographic images and the atmosphere isn’t as tense. Or should I say, usually isn’t as tense.

A full minute passes before the technology director broadcasts this news to the entire tech squad.

“Attention! Activate Reset Protocol! I repeat, Activate Reset Protocol immediately! The Cevians are attempting to decode our encryptions!” By now everyone in our lab has begun to work on what they’ve been assigned. A few seconds later more people start to enter our lab in serious expressions. The atmosphere hasn’t been this serious since the last time a threat of this level occurred.

The encryptions take at least a fortnight to reset. Part of the reason it takes so long is that it must be done by humans. Artificial Intelligence is too predictable. If the Cevians manage to fully decode it before it finishes resetting, then they will be able to change the programming of every single piece of electronic device that we own. They will be unstoppable. The whole world will be under their control, and for the first time ever, nobody will be able to do anything.

And I’m sure about that because a long time ago a superior species branched off the Homo sapiens. The first one of us ‘founded’ an organisation that would control history. Of course he didn’t know it then. We learnt to evolve faster, develop quicker, and adapt to changes before normal people did. And when the Egyptians were building their pyramids we were already forming underground headquarters. But how did we split off into two? Well let’s just say, for now, that there was a dispute over the next leader of this organisation. We have both survived these thousands of years, but no-one has been able to completely destroy the other.

I take my seat, sharing the same space, but not the same desk. I’m very grateful that I don’t. He always spills his coffee on his desk. He always gets up in the middle of the night and watches TV. Right now he’s still thinking about his crush. I can tell by the way he’s staring at the ground, which he always does when he’s daydreaming.

“David… Get on with some work. This isn’t the time to be daydreaming!” I say. He moans and turns back to his screen, which shows his long list of tasks. “Every second counts you know?”

“Please, Tony, you always say that, now it’s starting to lose its effect.”

“Well I think if you just got on with your work you wouldn’t be so bored.”

“Well, I think that I can do whatever I want.”

“Don’t be so smart.”

“Don’t be so dumb”

And we continue until our head of lab glances in our direction, and we both pretend to be doing our tasks until he looks away. Unable to contain our laughter for any longer, we burst out laughing, ruining the seriousness of the atmosphere. The head of lab looks at us. I can see him shake his head and sigh. I can imagine him saying “You’re 15 already, you need to grow up.”

And then the room suddenly turns to night.

You can’t see the rims of your own glasses. I feel a panic filling the room, like a liquid drowning us into fear. I hear girls screaming, and the head of lab yelling for everyone to calm down. It takes a while for everyone to stay put, but once everyone finally does manage to calm down, he orders people to check the doors, but they too won’t budge. We quickly try all our evacuation procedures, but none of them work when we have no electricity.

I realise what a stupid mistake we’ve made. Someone within this building has set off an electro-magnetic pulse. Someone in this building is an enemy. All of our encryption data has been destroyed, but that isn’t the biggest problem. The attempt to decode the encryptions was just a simple distraction, and yet no one noticed. They seized just the right moment to seal everyone inside the labs. There’s no food, so we’ll all die if we don’t find a way to get out. And we probably won’t.

But the Cevians haven’t won. Not yet. We’ve survived for thousands of years, but we went from almost destroying them to being destroyed in a matter of minutes. Slowly, resignation becomes anger and determination, a feeling that shouts through all of us. We won’t give up; we will do all that we can to save humanity.

The Homo sapiens have been protected for thousands of years, and if they fall, this year will be the year. Nothing else can save them, it all depends on us.
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