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A list of Suspected Multiboxers

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:09 pm
by nojo34
Multiboxing is one person controlling multiple accounts j the same game, to create an unfair advantage for themselves.
If you see any of these players in game, here what you can do:

1) create a group chat with everyone but the multiboxers. Tell them that you suspect players X and Y of being the same person and you want to make and alliance to end those cheaters
B) If you have L2, join a ranked game. Most Mulriboxers are L1, so they simply won't have access to that game.
C) If you want to, you could hop into a game with one of us. I can't list all the names here, but If you recognize a name hop into a game with them. We are one less person you have to worry about multiboxing, and if somebody is using two accounts, we will take action.

Also, please give them a -1 on pandas forum rep tracker.

If you want me to add any accounts to this list, post here (similar to pandas forum rep thread) WITH evidence.

Suspected Multiboxers (Number of reports)

Popblox and Koolnana (3)
Rat man and Beater (1)
Kaptun, no reported second account name. (1)
Ascot Hammers and Bungholie (1)
KiXneeL, Justinoxxii, Aakardhar (1)
prof_porridge, liquos, and Rorik1356. (1)

Re: A list of Confirmed and Suspected Multiboxers

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:11 pm
by aclonicy
There is already a couple of suspected multiboxers listed in the forum reputation tracker.

Re: A list of Confirmed and Suspected Multiboxers

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:13 pm
by nojo34
aclonicy wrote:There is already a couple of suspected multiboxers listed in the forum reputation tracker.

I just added them.

Re: A list of Confirmed and Suspected Multiboxers

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:13 pm
by mathwhiz9
I think we should also give more of an explanation of what you can do to combat multiboxing, along with a link or two to other threads about it

Re: A list of Confirmed and Suspected Multiboxers

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:19 pm
by nojo34
mathwhiz9 wrote:I think we should also give more of an explanation of what you can do to combat multiboxing, along with a link or two to other threads about it

Yeah, I edited my original way to combat that. If you give me threads to links I'll put them up.

Re: A list of Suspected Multiboxers

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:02 pm
by braaainz
What worked a little for me was to out multi boxers in public forum with the evidence pointed out. They dropped out, although I suspect that a hidden player is still using the resigned ones's sonars to check troop movements of the rest of us.

Unfortunately, I feel that these cheaters will just escalate. They'll post good players they're opposing on the suspected list, log into sock accounts at different times, etc. In short, its a losing war.

You can apparently download a cheat fairly easily. The only real solution is a bug fix. Unfortunately, the devs lost too much money and time on this great game, so I'm not holding my breath.

Just sucks that such a great grand game like this is hampered by people wanting easy pointless wins.

I sincerely wonder about their motivations.

Re: A list of Suspected Multiboxers

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:17 pm
by aclonicy
Let's Think on this for a minute.

you can apparently download a cheat fairly easily

They aren't downloading anything, it's just one person who runs multiple accounts. I do that myself I just never put them in the same game. That doesn't diminish it as being a problem, but it's no hack or cheat code. They just set up multiple accounts.

Re: A list of Suspected Multiboxers

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 2:21 pm
by carter j burke
I hate multi boxers as much as anyone but we need to stop and think. This "name and shame" thread is utter flawed and toxic.

* toxic because anyone can list a name and they are assumed guilty
* flawed motive because it's disgruntled players word against another
* if you're a good player you're often accused of cheating/multi boxing
* the community is sadly declining, and less people are coming to the forums
And most importantly...
* If a boxers names are listed, he just creates new accounts.

Unfortunately there is no mature anti-multibox solution without cooperation of the developers. Only the developers can make 1) new accounts harder to create, 2) randomise servers that people connect too, 3) track device ID/ip address to hunt for boxers.

For now we are stuck with the problem. Teach awareness, go after boxers, and try keep this game fun.

Re: A list of Suspected Multiboxers

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 4:28 pm
by nojo34
@Carter J Burke.

I emailed the devs, and they said that solving multiboxing is much harder to fix/track than just looking for an IP address because say three different people are playing subterfuge from say, there work office and one of them multiboxers and the other two don't. The devs would ban IP, thus removing the multiboxers, but ALSO getting rid of the two completely legit players from the game.

Re: A list of Suspected Multiboxers

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 6:30 am
by rlin81
I just bought this pitch fork... now I got to go back and see if I can get a refund from Lowes :(