Strategy, feedback, or anything SUBTERFUGE-related
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Kickstarter/relaunch idea

Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:05 pm

This is a repost of a comment I left in the other topic discussing how to raise money for a new update. I wanted to create a topic dedicated specifically for this, because I feel it is a discussion that should be brought to the creators and the community.

That said, I think Subterfuge should launch a Kickstarter campaign!!

The number one issue with Subterfuge is that it doesn't have a large enough user base. There could be a number of reasons for a low user retention rate, which have been discussed at length in these forums. I believe the game needs a reset. A chance to start again.

Many games (and other products/businesses) don't succeed the first time. But that does not mean it is not a good product. I wouldn't say Subterfuge is a failure, but it is also not a success. Often the product just needs to refocus, rebrand, and relaunch. Many products on Kickstarter have experienced this.

Disclaimer - I am not trained or educated in business or development of products

This starts by analyzing what is at the heart of the game. Why have the current users decided to stick around and play the game. The creators made the game with an idea of what the game should be, but that does not mean that is what evolved among the community once the game launched. A simple survey from survey monkey or some other site could gather this data. Yes, people have debated this on the forums. However, surveys are private and confidential so people can share what they truly feel. The data that is returned can act as the game's identity. This can include both positive and negative views of the game. Both are needed to form a complete picture.

With the collected information you can begin to rebrand the game. This could include anything from the description of the game to core values of the game. This will give new players a better understanding of what the game is. It can help make the game relatable to other games people have played. It will also be more representative of the game in its current state, rather than what the game hoped to be before launch.

*****personal opinion******

Board games are having a huge rebound. The board game market is booming with more and more board games coming out every month. These board games range from family fun to hardcore strategy. Board game fans know and love them.

There have been more and more board game apps appearing in the App Store. Many of with are highly rated. I believe Subterfuge has the feel of a strategic board game that maintains the social elements of a board game. However, it utilizes the power of mobile technology that allows you to always have board game night with you. This is how I believe Subterfuge should be rebranded. It would access a number of new player demographics and get the App added to more/new categories in the App Store.

******end personal opinion*******

This is where Kickstarter comes into play. All this new information and rebranding can be used in the description of the campaign. Describe what the game is and why is should exist and how it is different from anything else on the App Store. The creators can even admit that they game has been live for a while and that they are looking to take it to the next level with new funding.

The Kickstarter page will allow current players to support the game, and share it via social media. New players can discover the game. Plus if Kickstarter highlights the game it will bring even more publicity.

The benefit is that there is no risk. If the kickstarter is not successful then no one looses money and the creators don't have to do anything beyond what they are doing now. If it is successful, then everyone wins!

Possible Kickstarter pledges could include (prices not included)...
-early bird: discounted L2 pass (limited amount)
-discounted L2 pass
-L2 pass with Kickstarter badge
-L2 pass, kickstarter badge and poster artwork
-L2 pass, kickstarter badge, poster artwork, neptunium t-shirt
-and many more!

This method would also allow the creators to decide how much they want to put into the game. They can decide how much money they want to raise and decide what it would take to bring them back. Yes, this would cost some money to implement, however a lot of it is not overly expensive. The benefit is the game is already created. People launch successful Kickstarters with a lot less than what is already in place for Subterfuge.

It would take more effort for the creators to run and update the Kickstarter page, but help from the community could help manage pledges and other "maintenance" elements for Kickstarter. If it fails they won't have to do more that what the game is doing now, if it succeeds they can continue developing the game they love.

I truly believe that Subterfuge is one of the best strategy games in the App Store. However it is also the most misunderstood game that nobody knows about. Relaunching the game will allow Subterfuge to learn from its mistakes and successes.

I hope the developers see this post and take it into consideration. I also hope the community fights for something like this, because it is a game that deserves to continue.

What do you all think? Should the creators consider launching a kickstarter campaign??

Re: Kickstarter/relaunch idea

Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:03 am

Personally, I would support the hell out of this IF AND ONLY IF Ron took some initiative on this. With his lack of response to my email sent over 3 weeks ago about the rumored game balance update, I'm not optimistic in any sense if the word.

Re: Kickstarter/relaunch idea

Thu Feb 09, 2017 9:36 am

nojo34 wrote:Personally, I would support the hell out of this IF AND ONLY IF Ron took some initiative on this. With his lack of response to my email sent over 3 weeks ago about the rumored game balance update, I'm not optimistic in any sense if the word.

Seconded, apart from the optimism bit, bc I'm optimistic.

Re: Kickstarter/relaunch idea

Thu Feb 09, 2017 1:15 pm

nojo34 wrote:Personally, I would support the hell out of this IF AND ONLY IF Ron took some initiative on this. With his lack of response to my email sent over 3 weeks ago about the rumored game balance update, I'm not optimistic in any sense if the word.

I agree with this completely! This idea only works if the Creators are willing to put in the time to launch a Kinckstarter campaign.

I tried to demonstrate that even though it would involve more time for the Creators, it would not take much money to accomplish it. Any money needed will be taken from the campaign if it is successful.

I see it as having the greatest gain from the least investment (in terms of creating and running a Kickstarter).

If I had their email I would send the idea to them directly, however I do not :(

Re: Kickstarter/relaunch idea

Thu Feb 09, 2017 6:25 pm

Kickstarter is great but is there any website that doesn't claim 30% of the donations?

Re: Kickstarter/relaunch idea

Fri Feb 10, 2017 10:44 am

whos sayin wrote:Kickstarter is great but is there any website that doesn't claim 30% of the donations?

I am not familiar with all the different donation/fundraising websites. I know Kickstarter is usually the one that gets the most web traffic.

IndieGoGo, it another website that could be used. It functions in a similar style to Kickstarter, however the creators get to keep any money that is raised even if the campaign doesn't reach the fundraising goal. However, I believe there is still a percentage that is taken by the website.

Re: Kickstarter/relaunch idea

Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:26 am

nothing can restart the game success.Devs give a f*ck to release even updates they responsible to release coz many players already payed.They want fundraising first then make the job & this is the recipe for failure as we all old veterans been teach by our fathers "job first money after".Devs in this game doing totaly opposite.They want money first and then promising some upgrades.It won't work.What you think why all those new super cool games on consoles, PCs are free & still coming up with updates every day? They building up customers then put out some small price for game or subscription.I don't give money until I see the product or updates in subterfuge case.99.99% of old veterans been teach by their father like this.

OK bye

Re: Kickstarter/relaunch idea

Sat Feb 18, 2017 12:34 pm

fox-alpha-one wrote:nothing can restart the game success.Devs give a f*ck to release even updates they responsible to release coz many players already payed.They want fundraising first then make the job & this is the recipe for failure as we all old veterans been teach by our fathers "job first money after".Devs in this game doing totaly opposite.They want money first and then promising some upgrades.It won't work.What you think why all those new super cool games on consoles, PCs are free & still coming up with updates every day? They building up customers then put out some small price for game or subscription.I don't give money until I see the product or updates in subterfuge case.99.99% of old veterans been teach by their father like this.

OK bye

Sorry for the slow response!

I can understand where you are coming from. I think it is something that needs to be discussed.

I know many people are reluctant to give money when they feel there is no progress being made in the game. They say, "if the devs don't care, why should I care"? I wouldn't feel 100% comfortable donating money to a game that may go no where. However, game development does cost money.

The developers have lost money making his game. They said so in various posts. They need to make money to earn a living and Subterfuge is not helping that. So I can understand why they have a reluctance to want to invest more time and effort into something that has not drawn a profit. Many indie game developers that launch free games or give free upgrades are being funded or earning money by other methods. No one ever works for free.

This is why Kickstarter is the best option. It would allow the devs to prove to the community that they have ideas and they they can follow through with what they promise. It also gives the player/investors to feel secure about where their money is going. If the campaign is not successful, the players loose no money. If it is successful, then the devs are held accountable to follow through with their promises.

Re: Kickstarter/relaunch idea

Sat Feb 25, 2017 11:43 pm

I would support a kickstarter vs just sending them money. Plus it will allow others that didn't know about this game to see it

Re: Kickstarter/relaunch idea

Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:16 pm

Would it be possible somehow to retrieve the project source code and update it for free ? Some people with some spare time could eventually update the game with some idea from the (let's admit it) small community.

Balance tweaks may be easy to do, and could eventually be voted from the community.
More advanced feature will be, for sure, more difficult to implement, but who knows.

Or another idea would be to open the source code, and let random guys from the internet implement devs/community ideas.

It has been decided from the community that the king stack is too strong -> Request for a patch implementing the fix idea.
Someone take the action to implement it and propose the fix to the dev who decide to take it or not. Some other guys could be granted the right to decide instead of the original devs.

What we would need:
- To have a contact with the original devs
- Some guys (like me) willing to contribute
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