King global combat bonus no longer stacks

Strategy, feedback, or anything SUBTERFUGE-related

  • zyxe wrote:This will definitely affect the meta. You will probably see hypnotist as a whole get hired less since they no longer have the side ability to transition their usefulness to kings. Although I can agree that this update may be a bit "lazy" I have to admit it is for the best. The king was detrimental to domination games and usually pushed away new players to this game (which was obvious between all the people coming to the forums to complain it needed a nerf).
    Overall, it will be healthy for Subterfuge.

    Flavor wise, it makes sense that you shouldn't be able to have more than one king. Although now I almost want one of the spec ideas for hypnotist to promote into something else if you already have a king.

    Believe it or not, I actually started getting more kings since update. By limiting it, it feels as though it sort of completes your king hiring spree. Before I felt like I needed multiple for our to be useful but now it feels like I'm not forced to stack. I can hire one and complete my king stacking without being tired to that strategy.
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    I swallow 2 pieces of string and an hour later they come out of my ass tied together.
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