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Re: Specialist Visual Tracker

Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:06 pm

I mean "one time where" is all you need to disprove a theory. If it doesn't work for all situations it's invalid. I love your hire tracker and it's a great concept. It would just need tweaked very slightly to reflect returning cards.
Zyxe if you could verify that data for 100% accuracy that'd be wonderful, but I believe you are correct. 3 specs of a type is just too limited and I haven't seen games limited like that.

Re: Specialist Visual Tracker

Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:37 pm

aclonicy wrote:3 specs of a type is just too limited and I haven't seen games limited like that.

Never said there is a max of 3 specs of a type. In my theory returning specs work as follows: after all 15 specs of attack have been hired, the bag gets filled anew and drafted form again. Much like the 14 bag in tetris, but with separate bags. Maybe there is an unspoken minimum of specs after which the bag gets filled again but I don't suppose so.
Just go into any longer game, scroll forwards on your queen while noting the hires. If a fourth of any kind gets hired before the bag is emptied the current theory is disproven and my tracker is really useless.

Re: Specialist Visual Tracker

Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:03 pm

Yeah, I can back myself up. I was just using vague language at first because I wasn't going to go through all the trouble of digging up the game if I didn't have to. (I was wrong that it did not happen in my offensive spec only game. It was a different game) I'm not trying to fight about who is right I just want to learn as much as I can about how this game works.

I can post pictures for each specialist hire but I feel like that is unneeded unless asked for, so I only posted the Lieutenant hires.

Specialist - # of that specific spec
Hypnotist - 1
King - 1
Pirate - 1
Navigator - 1
Revered Elder - 1
Pirate - 2
Inspector - 1
Saboteurs - 1
*Lieutenant - 1
Helmsman - 1
*Lieutenant - 2
Pirate - 3
General - 1
General - 2
*Lieutenant - 3
*Lieutenant - 4
Hypnotist - 2
Diplomat - 1
Navigator - 1


Re: Specialist Visual Tracker

Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:06 pm

This is the only time I can recall having this happen to me in a match that did not last more than a week. I do have one other possible theory for what could have happened. Whenever the 'fourth' lieutenant appeared as the coming up next, I only had two lieutenants. It could be possible that I got unbelievably lucky.

Re: Specialist Visual Tracker

Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:36 am

111011 wrote:
aclonicy wrote:3 specs of a type is just too limited and I haven't seen games limited like that.

Never said there is a max of 3 specs of a type. In my theory returning specs work as follows: after all 15 specs of attack have been hired, the bag gets filled anew and drafted form again. Much like the 14 bag in tetris, but with separate bags. Maybe there is an unspoken minimum of specs after which the bag gets filled again but I don't suppose so.
Just go into any longer game, scroll forwards on your queen while noting the hires. If a fourth of any kind gets hired before the bag is emptied the current theory is disproven and my tracker is really useless.

I'm afraid I can disprove that one off the top of my head. My offensive hires to not dwindle into 3 infiltrators forcing me to hire 3 before I can get any more good offensive specs. The bag gets refreshed very quickly to maintain unpredictability for hires. If it dwindled like that it'd often be easy to guess what's coming next.

Re: Specialist Visual Tracker

Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:46 pm

I believe if we are talking about a specialist which is promotable, it might be available sooner if you promote one of the older picks to his superior version. In Zyxe's example he has generals when he has his 4th hire, no lieutenants.

Re: Specialist Visual Tracker

Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:31 am

Devs have abandoned this forum as well right? Would fiddle it out, but actually quite some effort... Sorry for having you make the effort to disprove me, but oh well. Think it's quite funny that no one can tell precisely how it works yet.
Sadly there is no source to the bag selection description in the wiki (there should be, as it supposedly comes from the devs).

But the theory 'upgraded specs make their base go back into the bag' seems like a plausible option as well.

Re: Specialist Visual Tracker

Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:56 pm

I'm interested to know the answer to this so I sent a message to the devs in the small hope that they respond.

Re: Specialist Visual Tracker

Wed Mar 29, 2017 3:39 am

I don't know about this but one thing im sure of is that if you could really use a certain spec, the game doesn't give it to you. If you have captured other ppls specs, you wont get a hypno. NEVER. If your guys are captured, no diplomat.
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