This is getting out of control

Strategy, feedback, or anything SUBTERFUGE-related
Mon Jul 10, 2017 3:31 am

  • I am approaching my one year anniversary with the game and not until recently have I noticed extremely obvious signs of foul play. The last two games I have been involved in, consisted of massive amount of gifts of specialists and drillers from several different sources to one beneficiary. Then once all the gifts landed they resigned. And of course now the person with all the gifts steamrolls everyone and is trash talking the whole way.

    I love this game but this is getting out of control. I have never resigned from a game because of this and I don't plan to start but getting involved in yet another game recently that follows the same script doesn't sound too inticing.
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Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:04 pm

  • Jsrock, i am sorry to hear that you haven't been having an enjoyable experience with Subterfuge lately.

    Please, post any and all evidence you have of these players gifting specs and drills right here, I am compiling a list of cheater, multi-boxers, and pre-teamers to send to the devs. Anything you give me, helps get them out of our games.
    Simply put, my job here is to keep the forums afloat through any means necessary
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Mon Jul 10, 2017 11:54 pm

  • If you see that happens use the in game reporting tool. Someones Ron goes in and bans the players I think as it is now against the rules.
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