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Losing a queen in Subterfuge

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:57 pm
by jasonjie88
So I was wondering. There's this game where I'm considering launching a Queen capture. However, there weren't any details about what happens when a Queen is captured in the rule book, which is slightly disappointing considering it's a special losing condition. So I need to know: What happens to a player's outposts when you capture their Queen? Do the outposts become dormant again, and if so, do they retain enemy subs that need to be attacked as well to capture the outpost?

Re: Losing a queen in Subterfuge

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:23 pm
by ron
it's at the bottom of the rulebook:

If you are eliminated, the following things happen:
* You can no longer issue orders (present nor scheduled)
* All your Neptunium is lost
* Your mines stop producing Neptunium
* Any funding you are receiving is canceled
* Any funding you are providing is canceled

everything else is the same... outposts are still owned by the player that got eliminated, factories still produce drillers, sheilds keep charging.

Re: Losing a queen in Subterfuge

PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:40 am
by atklecz
I noticed that something that isn't explicitly stated in the rulebook is that even after you are eliminated, you still have vision of your uncaptured outposts and can still chat to give info to your allies about driller and specialist numbers and locations for some beyond the grave revenge. It is minor , but a part of the game. It is also not very directly stated that the same number of drillers remain at each outpost as well as specialists. The first time I eliminated someones queen I was confused as to what would happen as well.

Re: Losing a queen in Subterfuge

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 6:38 pm
by ron
i'll make that explicit in the rulebook, thanks for pointing it out.