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Estimated win time appears incorrect

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:05 pm
by Champinoman
I saw this in a game earlier and it doesn’t seem to add up.

Noodle is currently on 66 neptunium and is getting 66 per day via 3 mines. This equates to 1 neptunium per mine every 1hr and 6min. If we assume that all 3 of the mines are about to tick over (for worst case scenario) then we have noodle on 69 neptunium requiring 131 more to win the game. This is 44 cycles, which equals 48hrs.

Why does the prediction have his estimated win time as just over 44hrs?


Re: Estimated win time appears incorrect

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:16 am
by FateCreatr
Poor RickA.

I'm pretty sure that's a known bug. Those calculations always seem to be a bit off.