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Network Error on mobile data.

Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:58 pm

Hi, new user here. Am running Subterfuge on Android on a Xiaomi Mi Note. The only issue I have is that I cannot connect to the network while I'm on the go, although push-notifications will continue to come through. Restarting the app and the phone, logging in and out has not fixed this. The only places I can connect are at WIFI spots. Sometimes when I get back and fire up the game I'll get a prompt about multiple sessions or something like that, I'm not sure if that's related to the issue?

Re: Network Error on mobile data.

Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:08 am

The 'multiple session' thing is something that happens when you don't multitask out or you don't properly close the app so that's not the issue. The issue may be in your proxy settings. I only use cellular data on my phone and can always connect to subterfuge so I assume it may be proxy settings. There was a previous forum about this I believe so try to search for it as I can't remember the details
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