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Martyr can't be countered from victim outpost

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:18 pm
by Labbe
Bug: There is a Martyr approaching a victim outpost. If I try to launch a sub to intercept, time scrubs forward as I pull out. Before I can launch a sub to intercept, time scrubs forward far enough to cause my victim outpost to be destroyed and I can't launch.

Expected: I need to be able to launch subs from an outpost that would be destroyed in the future.

Private video of bug: ...

Re: Martyr can't be countered from victim outpost

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 7:37 pm
by ron
i just logged in as you and wasn't able to repro that bug even though i did the exact same thing as you, as far as i can tell. are you using the release build or the latest (unreleased) code? at any rate, looks like you were able to schedule that intercept just fine.

Re: Martyr can't be countered from victim outpost

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 7:47 pm
by FateCreatr
After watching the video, I have to say...

You can't launch an attack because you have no drills there to attack with.

Re: Martyr can't be countered from victim outpost

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:33 pm
by Labbe
Ron, I'm using the release build. I have never deployed any code to that device. I queued up a slightly different move -- I attached a helmsman which allowed me to beat the fatal extrapolation.

I tried on both my iPhone 6+ and my iPad Air 2 with the latest release code and had the problem described.

FateCreatr: That particular outpost has drills for the entire duration of the attack. My finger is blocking the count in the video.

EDIT: I see what FateCreatr is saying now. He is saying the sub has no drills. While true, and it's unfortunate that I recorded the video that way, I believe that I made attempts when the sub had drills.

Re: Martyr can't be countered from victim outpost

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 8:16 am
by Labbe
I have thought more about this bug overnight.

- I never attach any drillers to a sub until I finish dragging it to the target outpost. Having this fail on touch up does not invalidate the bug report. (duh)

- Ron, if you logged in as me and tried it, did you do so after I aimed the helmsman at the target outpost, or did you roll back the gameplay state to before I did that when reproing it?

If the helmsman was aimed at the target outpost in the game state at the time of your attempted repro, the game would not have extrapolated to a destroyed outpost and therefore the bug wouldn't occur.

Re: Martyr can't be countered from victim outpost

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:05 am
by FateCreatr
in the video, when you started to drag the subs, and when the timeline snapped back, there were no drills at the outpost.

While you were dragging it, 8 appeared at the base, but not until after you started dragging (which is really just advancing the timeline.)

Any time you drag from an unowned base, or your own base with no drills at it, you're scrubbing forward. If you don't have the time machine up, it snaps back to the present. If the time machine is up, the time line will stay where you drop it.

To accomplish what you were looking to do, you could scrub forward with the time machine until the production had completed and there were drills available and then drag from your base to the other along the martyrs path.