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Saboteur redirecting two subs

Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:40 am

Hi guys,

Context :
I was attacking an outpost with saboteur inside it.
So i then a first sub with 5 drillers and 10 minutes later another sub with 45 drillers.

Subs are almost totally overlapping on the map but one can still see both.

Like expected the saboteur is sent toward my subs.
But to my surprise, the saboteur redirects both subs ! :o :shock:

I would have had expected saboteur to redirect first sub (the one with 5 drillers) and my second sub to attack and own the targeted outpost.

Did anyone already noticed that ? Bug ? Feature ?

I think i red somewhere that devs where redirected to some other game, maybe another trick of the saboteur !!

ANyway, great game ! :arrow:


Re: Saboteur redirecting two subs

Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:48 am

I believe the subs were too close together. Subs spaced 10 minutes apart can participate in the same battle due to how the games refresh rate works. That's probably what happened.

Re: Saboteur redirecting two subs

Sun Apr 10, 2016 2:21 pm

If the opponent but 5 drillers on his sabo sub, and it was before the android metal update(or whatever it's called), combat occurs before Saboteur, meaning that his 5 destroyed your 5, and allowed his sabo to keep on going and redirect your 45.
If both were directed, and the enemy only had one sub, it could have been a timing bug issue as aclonicy mentioned - you may have sent the first sub in the middle of a 10 minute tick, and the other on the tick, causing the bug.
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