Sub turned around without saboteur

Found any bugs? Tell us!
Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:40 pm

  • Hey,
    In my current game, one of the players sent a series of subs towards one of my outposts. I have generals an assassins, so I responded by sending the assassins out to thin their numbers.
    Now this weird thing has happened, where the sub *after* the sub that defeated my assassin turned back, it seems in response to coming into contact with the sub with the captive assassin.
    I first noticed it in the time machine, and thought "hey, weird time machine bug, I hope I don't miscalculate my defense because of this". But now their paths have crossed, and the subs are turning back. It's happening in a second stream of drillers as well, after the first sub captured my thief. Another player in the game has confirmed he sees them heading the wrong way.

    It's good and bad. I'd prefer those drillers to keep coming, because they were going to die on my queen and shields. So, I still have my shields, but now, they'll be back, and in greater numbers.
    lord akkrand
    Posts: 18
    Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:59 pm

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