Saboteur Timing bug

Found any bugs? Tell us!
Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:28 pm

  • A weird bug that happened to two other players in a recent game.
    (1)Brown sends 81 drillers against Navy's Archanis.
    (2)At 10.2 hours ago, Navy sends out a saboteur.
    (3)At 10.0 hours ago, Navy's sentry damages Brown's sub so it's at 76 drillers, and the saboteur has launched.
    (4)At 9.8 hours ago, the saboteur and sub appear to have passed with no combat. the bubble from the sentry fire is still visible.
    (5)At 9.7 hours, all 76 drillers seem to have been destroyed with the only consequence that Brown's saboteur has been captured. Archanis suffers no damage to the shield or to the outpost, even though a bubble has formed around it. Navy only has one general, production was maxed out and scheduled to produce in 1hour and 50 minutes, and Archanis has 40 shield, so it should have suffered at least 30 troops in driller count. Anyone know what might have happened?
    sentry hits sub and sabo is sent 3.jpg
    (3)At 10.0 hours ago, Navy's sentry damages Brown's sub so it's at 76 drillers, and the saboteur has launched.
    sentry hits sub and sabo is sent 3.jpg (97.3 KiB) Viewed 3523 times
    navy sends out sabo 2.jpg
    (2)At 10.2 hours ago, Navy sends out a saboteur.
    navy sends out sabo 2.jpg (99.44 KiB) Viewed 3523 times
    81 drillers approach 1.jpg
    (1)Brown sends 81 drillers against Navy's Archanis.
    81 drillers approach 1.jpg (97.93 KiB) Viewed 3523 times
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Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:29 pm

  • the rest of the images
    nothing changed 6.jpg
    9.5 hours ago, a tick after the apparent combat, and things are the same.
    nothing changed 6.jpg (97.24 KiB) Viewed 3522 times
    MYSTERY 5.jpg
    (5)At 9.7 hours, all 76 drillers seem to have been destroyed with the only consequence that Brown's saboteur has been captured. Archanis suffers no damage to the shield or to the outpost, even though a bubble has formed around it.
    MYSTERY 5.jpg (96.91 KiB) Viewed 3522 times
    subs appear to pass with no interaction 4.jpg
    (4)At 9.8 hours ago, the saboteur and sub appear to have passed with no combat. the bubble from the sentry fire is still visible.
    subs appear to pass with no interaction 4.jpg (97.38 KiB) Viewed 3522 times
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Sat Jan 28, 2017 7:10 am

  • Are you sure they didn't just teleport somewhere and you missed it?
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Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:59 am

  • I have had the same happen twice now, one time it actually happened, one time only in time machine. What happens is the saboteur is send from the outpost being attack very shortly before the attackers arrive. The attackers simply dissappear after combat, but there was some kind of combat, because the saboteur is captured.
    I think when the game tries to determine the new location the sub has to go to because of the saboteur, somehow ends up in error, maybe because the sub is very close to the outpost it is attacking (within 10 minutes).
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Tue Jan 31, 2017 11:53 pm

  • The bugs I have with saboteur is if sab lands within 10-20 minutes of attacking sub the attacking subs drillers gets teleported to the attacking base. Another thing that may happen is if the sab is heading back to your base and runs into a sab within the 10-20 mark it teleports the sab to the closest enemy base. =
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