Feat. Req.: Move Resign Button from same x,y as menu button

Found any bugs? Tell us!

  • Please note, I take full responsibility for my resignation from the game.


    In the screenshot above you'll see I've obviously resigned from the game. I've been having connection issues and upon backing up from gameplay into the menu, I issued a few taps to the screen for it to process and in doing so, managed to hit the menu and resign button immediately there after.

    I didn't take the appropriate amount of time to read the pop up and assumed it was asking if I wanted to return to the game and hit yes instinctually. Queue confirmed resignation.

    Again, there is no one to blame but myself, but would it be possible to relocate the resignation icons/menu to make it more difficult to do so? As it stands the resign button sits in the same X&Y planes as the return arrow in gameplay on the iPhone 6.

    Cheers and thank you for this wonderful RTS!
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    Joined: Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:47 am

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