ucross wrote:Why is the infiltrator taking out 10 drillers though.
ucross wrote:...the infiltrator is killing 10 drillers in sub to sub combat (when it's supposed to only hit shields?).
Is this bugged?
I am experiencing the same problem. From my understanding of the rules as stated in the rulebook, combat in this instance SHOULD work like this:
SUB A, carrying 8 drillers and an infiltrator, encounters SUB B carrying 9 drillers.
SUB A has one specialist, an infiltrator, which has NO EFFECT since submarines have no shields, and the infiltrator does not destroy drillers. SUB B has no specialists. The specialist phase ends with no net effect.
This phase is skipped in sub to sub combat.
The side with more drillers at this point should win. SUB A has 8 drillers, SUB B has 9 drillers. This should result in a victory for SUB B.
SUB A should be destroyed. The infiltrator should be captured and returned to the nearest outpost owned by SUB B's owner. SUB B should have 1 drill remaining, and it should continue on to its destination.
However, Advanced 1 is not working this way for me. Instead, considering the scenario described above, I'm getting the following result:
SUB B is destroyed. There is no change to the number of drillers on SUB A, the infiltrator remains on SUB A, and the submarine continues on to its destination.
It seems like there is some problem with the way the infiltrator's ability is being calculated during sub-to-sub combat.