Blob, Rlin81, and I came up with the idea.
This is a way to organize the random forum games that have modified rules. All game ideas imaginable are here, and once a week (when the one before ends) we choose a game from the list to play!!
You can play in one of them, or all of them! A leader-board will also be here.
To join, simply reply with "I would like to play in week x"
PM me or post games ideas you want to be played.
Week One: Sailing Subs (12)
Gold: Nojo34
Silver: BlobbyDude
Bronze: NautiusMaximus
Runners up: Mr. Hax, Radioactivity, Ivanloy (Resigned), Whos Sayin (Eliminated), Juanma206 (Eliminated).
Week Two: No bullying (28)
Gold: Aclonicy
Silver: Ivanloy
Bronze: Nojo34
Runners up: graybo, phantomdw2, Blobbydude, Mathwhiz9, bigbk90210 (Eliminated), WHos sayin (Autoresigned), NautiusMaximus (resigned.)
Week Three: Diplomatic Relations (6)
Gold: Roygbiv
Silver: WolfForest
Bronze: Blobbydude
Runners up: The Baron of Bums, Nojo34, Mathwhiz9, Ivanloy (eliminated), Coltpaeaono (eliminated), Whos Sayin (Eliminated), bleetingsheep39 (auto resigned)
Week Four: Pacman Subterfuge (9)
Gold: Niverio
Silver: Blobbydude
Bronze: Nojo34
Runners up: Roybgiv, NautiusMaximus, Mathwiz9, WolfForest, Radioactivity (resigned)
Week Five: Never happened as I went on a hiatus
Week Six: Mad Queen (32)
Gold: Blobbydude
Silver: Nautiuaximus
Bronze: Roozbeh
Runners up: Mathwhiz9, Dodo3442, Nojo34, Niverio, Bshah, Pafekuto, Fearthesea