Hello all!
Some of you may have wondered where I have been.
Welcome to the 10th game of the Experimental Series Games! (Can you believe the first ESG was held in December of 2015?)
As per usual, we will start with me proposing three ideas (most which were runner-ups from ESG09), and then opening up other ideas from all of you!
As a refresher, here is the format for easier oversight:
[Name of Game]
[Effect of Game Type]
[Intention of Game Type]
[Names of other game ideas you would like to play that aren't yours]
Here are the runner-ups from last game:
After 3 days from game start, 3 players marked as "rabbits" must survive for 7 days while all other players try to eliminate them. After 7 days, if the rabbit survives even by one outpost, all others must resign. Mining game (no mining allowed).
"Bazzar at Sea" by Nojo34
There are two merchants and everyone is a warlord. Warlords cannot hire (only promote) by bidding for specialists auctioned by the merchants, who are on opposite sides of the map. Hires cannot be pirated, nor their destination outposts. All players start with 10 outposts total before any battle may occur. Domination mode
Here is my idea:
Dynamic Duos
You may only attack an outpost with at least two specialists in the attacking sub. If one of them dies/is converted, the other cannot attack unless they are with another specialist. (reinforcing is allowed with fewer than two specs)
The intention is to make attacks more deliberate and fewer in number. This also emphasizes teamwork and explores more possibilities of spec combos.