build 320 - new UI and some rule tweaks

SUBTERFUGE news and announcements

  • hey y'all,

    the big thing in this update is a complete re-write of all the placeholder out-of-game UI. if you find bugs or run into anything confusing, please let us know either from within the game ("email us" tab) or via the forums.

    we also tweaked a few game rules, mainly around what happens when a player resigns or is eliminated:
    - Specialists of eliminated/resigned players aren't removed from the game after 24 hours
    - Resigned/eliminated players' outposts keep producing drillers and charging shields
    - Not resetting production timers on outposts when taking them over
    - Fixed bug where released captives sometimes wouldn't go to closest outpost
    - Player only loses 20% if another player takes over their mine, but not if the mine is destroyed

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